

译者:Evelyn | W3.Hitchhiker




我们将这些应用程序称为 "Web3 App"。例如,Uniswap的官方网络应用,托管在https://app.uniswap.org,是一个典型的Web3应用,它将帮助用户在区块链上与自己的协议进行互动。以下是Uniswap的应用程序和协议的技术结构:










我们提出了一个Web3应用商店协议来解决上述的可访问性和安全性问题。这些应用商店应该包含一个基于智能合约的Web3应用注册中心(Web3 App Registry),一个基于围绕权限、版本描述、规格等存储在链外的元数据的Web3应用程序包,以及一个安装在用户本地设备上的Web3应用商店客户端。之后,我们还需要Web3审核员(auditors)来帮助用户审核Web3应用程序的源代码。这些组件之间的关系如下所示。

Web3应用注册中心(Web3 App Registry)是一套基于Web3 App注册标准(Web3 App Registration Standard)的智能合约。团体(Orgs)和个人可以无权限地建立他们自己的Web3应用程序注册中心。Web3开发者可以使用他们的链上账户在该注册中心中注册他们的Web3应用程序,并对安装包的发行版和校验和(checksum)进行版本管理。审核员可以无权限地使用他们的链上账户来审核所有这些应用程序,并在注册表中公布结果。

**Web3应用程序包(Web3 App Packages)是指由开发商发布的软件,供用户在其本地设备上安装Web3应用程序。这些软件包可以存储在任何中心化或去中心化的存储服务中,软件包的网址和校验和应记录在注册表上。同时,在基于Web3应用配置标准(Web3 Application Configuration Standard)**上,在软件包的根部应该有一个包含Web3应用的权限声明和版本描述的配置文件。源代码的存储路径应被指定在配置文件中,以便审计人员能够轻松获取源代码进行审计。

**Web3应用商店客户端(Web3 App Store Client)是安装在用户本地设备上的软件。团体和个人可以在Web3应用商店客户端标准(App Store Client Standard)**的基础上自由地建立自己的应用商店客户端。客户端可以同时连接到一个或多个注册中心。它需要从注册表中获取Web3应用程序列表、版本信息和审计信息。当用户安装或更新一个Web3应用程序时,需要自动获取安装包。然后验证软件包的校验和(checksum)是否与注册中心中的校验和(checksum)相等。最后,它应该告诉用户这个Web3应用需要多少权限。而在用户确认权限后,Web3 App将被安装在本地设备上。




Web3 App Registration Standard(Web3应用注册标准)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @title AppRegistration interface

interface IAppRegistration {

    struct auditorVote {
        address auditor;
        uint8 level;

    function createApp() external returns (uint256);

    function addVersion(uint256 appId, string memory versionId, string memory fileUrl) external;

    function getAppIds() external returns (uint256[] memory);

    function getVersions(uint256 appId) external returns (string[] memory);

    function getVersionFileUrl(uint256 appId, string memory versionId) external view returns (string memory);

    function voteApp(uint256 appId, uint8 level) external;

    function voteAppVersion(uint256 appId, string memory versionId, uint8 level) external;

    function getVotes(uint256 appId, string memory versionId) external returns (auditorVote[] memory);

Web3 App Configration Standard(Web3应用配置标准)

  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "title": "Name of the App",
      "type": "string"
    "logoUrl": {
      "title": "Logo of the App",
      "type": "string"
    "description": {
      "title": "Description of the App",
      "type": "string"
    "origin": {
      "title": "Online dapp origin",
      "type": "string",
      "pattern": "^((https|http)?:\/\/)[^\\s]+"
    "permissions": {
      "properties": {
        "web3Provider": {
          "requestAccount": {
            "title": "If App need permission to connect with wallet",
            "type": "boolean"
          "personalSign": {
            "properties": {
              "request": {
                "type": "boolean",
                "title": "If App need permission to request sign text message"
              "patterns": {
                "type": "array",
                "title": "Patterns of text message" 
            "title": "Declaration for sign text message",
            "type": "object"
          "transaction": {
            "properties": {
              "request": {
                "type": "boolean",
                "title": "If App need permission to request transaction"
              "contractCalls": {
                "type": "array",
                "title": "Declaration for contrat transaction"
              "tokenApproves": {
                "type": "array",
                "title": "Declaration for token approval"
              "ERC20TokenTransfer": {
                "type": "array",
                "title": "Declaration for ERC20 token transfer transaction"
            "type": "object",
            "title": "Declaration for transaction"
          "network": {
            "urlPatterns": {
              "type": "array",
              "title": "Patterns of whitelist network request URL"
            "title": "Declaration for APP network request",
            "type": "object"
          "title": "Declaration for Web3Provider permissions",
          "type": "object"
      "title": "Declaration for App permissions",
      "type": "object"
    "app": {
      "properties": {
        "id": {
          "title": "AppId allocated by App Store",
          "type": "string"
        "chainId": {
          "title": "The chainId which App Store deployed",
          "type": "string"
        "contract": {
          "title": "The contract address of App Store",
          "type": "string" 
      "type": "object",
      "title": "App information on App Store"
    "source": {
      "properties": {
        "repository": {
          "type": "string",
          "title": "The URL that can access App source code",
          "pattern": "^(https:\/\/|git@)[^\\s]+"
        "buildScript": {
          "type": "string",
          "title": "The script that can complie source code to bundles"
        "systemEnvironment": {
          "type": "string",
          "title": "The system environment that can make sure auditor can build bundle which has the same SHA256"
      "type": "object",
      "title": "Information of source code for auditor use"
  "title": "Web3 App json config file",
  "type": "object"

Web3 App Store Client Standard(Web3 应用商店客户端标准)

interface App {
  app: {
    id: string
    chainId: string
    contract: string
  permissions: {
    network: {
      urlPatterns: string[]
    web3Provider: {
      requestAccount: boolean
      personalSign: {
        request: boolean
        patterns: string[]
      transaction: {
        request: boolean
        contractCalls: ContractCallItem[]
        tokenApproves: TokenApproveItem[]
        ERC20TokenTransfer: ERC20TokenTransferItem[]
  source: {
    repository: string
    buildScript: string
    systemEnvironment: string
  appId: number
  domain: string
  versionId: string
  files: string[]
  name: string
  description?: string
  logoUrl: string

enum VoteLevel {
  DANGER = -1
  UNKNOW = 0
  SAFE = 1

class Web3AppStore {
  chainId: string; // The chainId which App Store deployed
  contract: string; // The contract address of App Store
  getApps(): Promise<App[]>
  getApp(appId: number, version?: string): Promise<App>
  getAppVersions(appId: number): Promise<App[]>
  createApp(): Promise<number>
  addVersion(appId: number, fileUrls: string[]): Promise<void>
  voteApp(appId: number, level: VoteLevel): Promise<void>
  voteAppVersion(appId: number, versionId: string, level: VoteLevel): Promise<void>
  // Validate the SHA256 of App file is same as versionId of not
  validateAppVersion(app: App): Promise<Boolean>
  // Validate if the domain which declared in domain property has the same web3.json file of current App
  validateAppDomain(app: App): Promise<Boolean>


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